What is a ChatBox?
Get started with ChatBoxes here!
What are ChatBoxes?
ChatBoxes make up a Board. Each implementation returns a list of ChatMessages which are displayed to the player. Each ChatBox also has its own dimensions, which constitute a portion of a Board. They are also serializable, cloneable, and can be put into a ConfigurationSection and back. You can find the class here.
Ok, so how do I use it?
For server owners:
When creating a preset, the chatbox-id
is required, as well as other options that are implementation independent. You must provide these, which can be found either in the following pages or by their author. Each ChatBox will have an id which you can use to specify which ChatBox you are trying to use.
For developers:
You can create a box that extends ChatBox, and fill in the method to return a list of ChatMessages. Your ChatBox must also contain a public static method that returns a ChatBox and takes in a ConfigurationSection as an argument. If you would like for your ChatBox to be useable as a preset, you must register the class with the ChatBoxManager singleton.
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